Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HAND YOU'RE DEALT by Paul Volponi

Huck is dealing with the death of his dad, a best friend who is not very supportive, and the girl he has a crush on is refusing to talk to him. Now he is trying to win the local Texas Hold 'Em tournament to win back his dad's watch from his evil teacher who stole it.
Even if you aren't a card player you'll get sucked into the story and have fun -- and get just as excited as Huck does -- as you follow him through his adventures. You'll also learn to fight for what you believe in and to never give up.

Meghan in Esopus

When Huck's dad died he was determined to win the silver Poker Champion's watch back from Abbott. In order to do that he'll have to be a better poker player, and in order to do that he'll have to remember everything his dad taught him.

This book has a great storyline and inspiring motive -- and it teaches us that while revenge may not be sweet, it sure is satisfying.

Joe in Esopus

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